vsg  1.0.4
VulkanSceneGraph library
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vsg::WindowTraits Class Reference

WindowTraits specifies the settings required when creating windows/vulkan instance/device. More...

#include <WindowTraits.h>

Inheritance diagram for vsg::WindowTraits:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vsg::WindowTraits:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 WindowTraits (const WindowTraits &traits)
 WindowTraits (const std::string &title)
 WindowTraits (int32_t in_x, int32_t in_y, uint32_t in_width, uint32_t in_height, const std::string &title="vsg window")
 WindowTraits (uint32_t in_width, uint32_t in_height, const std::string &title="vsg window")
WindowTraitsoperator= (const WindowTraits &)=delete
void defaults ()
 set default values, called by all constructors except copy constructor
void validate ()
 validate the instanceExtensionNames and requestedLayers, assigning additional layers required by debugLayer, synchronizationLayer and apiDumpLayer flags.
- Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Inherit< Object, WindowTraits >
 Inherit (Args &&... args)
std::size_t sizeofObject () const noexcept override
const char * className () const noexcept override
const std::type_info & type_info () const noexcept override
bool is_compatible (const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override
int compare (const Object &rhs) const override
void accept (Visitor &visitor) override
void accept (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override
void accept (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
 Object (const Object &)
Objectoperator= (const Object &)
template<class T >
T * cast ()
template<class T >
const T * cast () const
virtual void traverse (Visitor &)
virtual void traverse (ConstVisitor &) const
virtual void traverse (RecordTraversal &) const
virtual void read (Input &input)
virtual void write (Output &output) const
void ref () const noexcept
void unref () const noexcept
void unref_nodelete () const noexcept
unsigned int referenceCount () const noexcept
template<typename T >
void setValue (const std::string &key, const T &value)
void setValue (const std::string &key, const char *value)
 specialization of setValue to handle passing c strings
template<typename T >
bool getValue (const std::string &key, T &value) const
 get specified value type, return false if value associated with key is not assigned or is not the correct type
void setObject (const std::string &key, ref_ptr< Object > object)
 assign an Object associated with key
ObjectgetObject (const std::string &key)
 get Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
const ObjectgetObject (const std::string &key) const
 get const Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
T * getObject (const std::string &key)
 get object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
const T * getObject (const std::string &key) const
 get const object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< ObjectgetRefObject (const std::string &key)
 get ref_ptr<Object> associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< const ObjectgetRefObject (const std::string &key) const
 get ref_ptr<const Object> pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
ref_ptr< T > getRefObject (const std::string &key)
 get ref_ptr<T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
const ref_ptr< const T > getRefObject (const std::string &key) const
 get ref_ptr<const T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
void removeObject (const std::string &key)
 remove meta object or value associated with key
AuxiliarygetOrCreateAuxiliary ()
AuxiliarygetAuxiliary ()
const AuxiliarygetAuxiliary () const

Public Attributes

int32_t x = 0
int32_t y = 0
uint32_t width = 1280
uint32_t height = 1024
bool fullscreen = false
std::string display
int screenNum = -1
 A non empty display string overrides any X11 DISPLAY env var that may have been set. ignored on non X11 systems.
std::string windowClass = "vsg::Window"
 negative screenNum value indicates system defaults should be assumed, a non zero value will set the screenNum, overriding any display or DISPLAY setting for this.
std::string windowTitle = "vsg window"
bool decoration = true
bool hdpi = true
bool overrideRedirect = false
uint32_t vulkanVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0
SwapchainPreferences swapchainPreferences
VkFormat depthFormat = VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT
VkQueueFlags queueFlags = VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT
VkPipelineStageFlagBits imageAvailableSemaphoreWaitFlag = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT
bool debugLayer = false
bool synchronizationLayer = false
bool apiDumpLayer = false
vsg::Names instanceExtensionNames
vsg::Names requestedLayers
vsg::Names deviceExtensionNames
vsg::PhysicalDeviceTypes deviceTypePreferences
ref_ptr< DeviceFeaturesdeviceFeatures
VkSampleCountFlags samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT
WindowshareWindow = nullptr
std::any nativeWindow
std::any systemConnection

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Inherit< Object, WindowTraits >
static ref_ptr< WindowTraitscreate (Args &&... args)
static ref_ptr< WindowTraitscreate_if (bool flag, Args &&... args)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
static ref_ptr< Objectcreate ()
static ref_ptr< Objectcreate_if (bool flag)
static void * operator new (std::size_t count)
 provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_AFFINTY_OBJECTS
static void operator delete (void *ptr)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
virtual void _attemptDelete () const
void setAuxiliary (Auxiliary *auxiliary)

Detailed Description

WindowTraits specifies the settings required when creating windows/vulkan instance/device.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: