vsg  1.0.4
VulkanSceneGraph library
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vsg::Window Class Referenceabstract

#include <Window.h>

Inheritance diagram for vsg::Window:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vsg::Window:
Collaboration graph


struct  Frame

Public Types

using Frames = std::vector< Frame >

Public Member Functions

 Window (const Window &)=delete
Windowoperator= (const Window &)=delete
virtual const char * instanceExtensionSurfaceName () const =0
virtual bool valid () const
virtual bool visible () const
virtual void releaseWindow ()
virtual void releaseConnection ()
virtual bool pollEvents (UIEvents &events)
 get the list of events since the last poolEvents() call by splicing bufferEvents with polled windowing events.
virtual void resize ()
ref_ptr< WindowTraitstraits ()
const ref_ptr< WindowTraitstraits () const
const VkExtent2D & extent2D () const
VkClearColorValue & clearColor ()
const VkClearColorValue & clearColor () const
VkSurfaceFormatKHR surfaceFormat ()
VkFormat depthFormat ()
VkSampleCountFlagBits framebufferSamples () const
void setInstance (ref_ptr< Instance > instance)
ref_ptr< InstancegetInstance ()
ref_ptr< InstancegetOrCreateInstance ()
void setSurface (ref_ptr< Surface > surface)
ref_ptr< SurfacegetSurface ()
ref_ptr< SurfacegetOrCreateSurface ()
void setPhysicalDevice (ref_ptr< PhysicalDevice > physicalDevice)
ref_ptr< PhysicalDevicegetPhysicalDevice ()
ref_ptr< PhysicalDevicegetOrCreatePhysicalDevice ()
void setDevice (ref_ptr< Device > device)
ref_ptr< DevicegetDevice ()
ref_ptr< DevicegetOrCreateDevice ()
void setRenderPass (ref_ptr< RenderPass > renderPass)
ref_ptr< RenderPassgetRenderPass ()
ref_ptr< RenderPassgetOrCreateRenderPass ()
ref_ptr< SwapchaingetSwapchain ()
ref_ptr< SwapchaingetOrCreateSwapchain ()
ref_ptr< ImagegetDepthImage ()
ref_ptr< ImagegetOrCreateDepthImage ()
ref_ptr< ImageViewgetDepthImageView ()
ref_ptr< ImageViewgetOrCreateDepthImageView ()
size_t numFrames () const
ref_ptr< ImageViewimageView (size_t i)
const ref_ptr< ImageViewimageView (size_t i) const
ref_ptr< Framebufferframebuffer (size_t i)
const ref_ptr< Framebufferframebuffer (size_t i) const
VkResult acquireNextImage (uint64_t timeout=std::numeric_limits< uint64_t >::max())
 call vkAquireNextImageKHR to find the next imageIndex of the swapchain images/framebuffers
size_t imageIndex (size_t relativeFrameIndex=0) const
 get the image index for specified relative frame index, a 0 value is the current frame being rendered, 1 is the previous frame, 2 is the previous frame that.
bool debugLayersEnabled () const
Frameframe (size_t i)
Frames & frames ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Inherit< Object, Window >
 Inherit (Args &&... args)
std::size_t sizeofObject () const noexcept override
const char * className () const noexcept override
const std::type_info & type_info () const noexcept override
bool is_compatible (const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override
int compare (const Object &rhs) const override
void accept (Visitor &visitor) override
void accept (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override
void accept (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
 Object (const Object &)
Objectoperator= (const Object &)
template<class T >
T * cast ()
template<class T >
const T * cast () const
virtual void traverse (Visitor &)
virtual void traverse (ConstVisitor &) const
virtual void traverse (RecordTraversal &) const
virtual void read (Input &input)
virtual void write (Output &output) const
void ref () const noexcept
void unref () const noexcept
void unref_nodelete () const noexcept
unsigned int referenceCount () const noexcept
template<typename T >
void setValue (const std::string &key, const T &value)
void setValue (const std::string &key, const char *value)
 specialization of setValue to handle passing c strings
template<typename T >
bool getValue (const std::string &key, T &value) const
 get specified value type, return false if value associated with key is not assigned or is not the correct type
void setObject (const std::string &key, ref_ptr< Object > object)
 assign an Object associated with key
ObjectgetObject (const std::string &key)
 get Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
const ObjectgetObject (const std::string &key) const
 get const Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
T * getObject (const std::string &key)
 get object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
const T * getObject (const std::string &key) const
 get const object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< ObjectgetRefObject (const std::string &key)
 get ref_ptr<Object> associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< const ObjectgetRefObject (const std::string &key) const
 get ref_ptr<const Object> pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
ref_ptr< T > getRefObject (const std::string &key)
 get ref_ptr<T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T >
const ref_ptr< const T > getRefObject (const std::string &key) const
 get ref_ptr<const T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
void removeObject (const std::string &key)
 remove meta object or value associated with key
AuxiliarygetOrCreateAuxiliary ()
AuxiliarygetAuxiliary ()
const AuxiliarygetAuxiliary () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ref_ptr< Windowcreate (vsg::ref_ptr< WindowTraits > traits)
 static Window::create(traits) method creates a platform specific Window instance based on specified window traits.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Inherit< Object, Window >
static ref_ptr< Windowcreate (Args &&... args)
static ref_ptr< Windowcreate_if (bool flag, Args &&... args)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
static ref_ptr< Objectcreate ()
static ref_ptr< Objectcreate_if (bool flag)
static void * operator new (std::size_t count)
 provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_AFFINTY_OBJECTS
static void operator delete (void *ptr)

Public Attributes

UIEvents bufferedEvents
 events buffered since the last pollEvents.

Protected Member Functions

 Window (ref_ptr< WindowTraits > traits)
virtual void _initSurface ()=0
void _initFormats ()
void _initInstance ()
void _initPhysicalDevice ()
void _initDevice ()
void _initRenderPass ()
void _initSwapchain ()
virtual void clear ()
void share (Window &window)
void buildSwapchain ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vsg::Object
virtual void _attemptDelete () const
void setAuxiliary (Auxiliary *auxiliary)

Protected Attributes

ref_ptr< WindowTraits_traits
VkExtent2D _extent2D
VkClearColorValue _clearColor
VkSurfaceFormatKHR _imageFormat
VkFormat _depthFormat
VkSampleCountFlagBits _framebufferSamples
ref_ptr< Instance_instance
ref_ptr< PhysicalDevice_physicalDevice
ref_ptr< Device_device
ref_ptr< Surface_surface
ref_ptr< Swapchain_swapchain
ref_ptr< RenderPass_renderPass
ref_ptr< Image_depthImage
ref_ptr< ImageView_depthImageView
ref_ptr< Image_multisampleImage
ref_ptr< ImageView_multisampleImageView
ref_ptr< Image_multisampleDepthImage
ref_ptr< ImageView_multisampleDepthImageView
ref_ptr< Semaphore_availableSemaphore
Frames _frames
std::vector< size_t > _indices

Detailed Description

Window base class provides a cross platform window The Android_Window, iOS_Window, MacOS_Window, Xcb_Window and Win32_Window classes from Window provide the platform specific implementations of Window that are create by Window::create(traits).

Member Function Documentation

◆ releaseConnection()

virtual void vsg::Window::releaseConnection ( )

Release the connection as it's owned by a 3rd party windowing object. Resets the connection handle.

Reimplemented in vsgXcb::Xcb_Window.

◆ releaseWindow()

virtual void vsg::Window::releaseWindow ( )

Release the window as it's owned by a 3rd party windowing object. Resets the window handle and invalidating the window, preventing Window deletion or closing from deleting the window resource.

Reimplemented in vsgXcb::Xcb_Window.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: