| RenderGraph (ref_ptr< Window > in_window, ref_ptr< View > view={}) |
| Construct RenderGraph assigning window and setting up clearValues with the appropriate settings for the Window's attachments and color.
void | accept (RecordTraversal &recordTraversal) const override |
| execute vkCmdBeginRenderPass and then traverse the RenderGraph subgraph
RenderPass * | getRenderPass () |
| RenderPass to use passed to the vkCmdBeginRenderPass, either obtained from which of the framebuffer or window are active.
VkExtent2D | getExtent () const |
| Get the Exten2D of the attached Framebuffer or Window.
void | setClearValues (VkClearColorValue clearColor={{0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f}}, VkClearDepthStencilValue clearDepthStencil={0.0f, 0}) |
void | resized () |
| invoke the WindowResizeHandler, called automatically when window dimension change is detected.
| Inherit (Args &&... args) |
std::size_t | sizeofObject () const noexcept override |
const char * | className () const noexcept override |
const std::type_info & | type_info () const noexcept override |
bool | is_compatible (const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override |
int | compare (const Object &rhs) const override |
void | accept (Visitor &visitor) override |
void | accept (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override |
void | accept (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override |
| Group (size_t numChildren=0) |
template<typename Iterator > |
| Group (Iterator begin, Iterator end) |
void | traverse (Visitor &visitor) override |
void | traverse (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override |
void | traverse (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override |
void | read (Input &input) override |
void | write (Output &output) const override |
void | addChild (vsg::ref_ptr< Node > child) |
| Inherit (Args &&... args) |
std::size_t | sizeofObject () const noexcept override |
const char * | className () const noexcept override |
const std::type_info & | type_info () const noexcept override |
bool | is_compatible (const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override |
int | compare (const Object &rhs) const override |
void | accept (Visitor &visitor) override |
void | accept (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override |
void | accept (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override |
| Inherit (Args &&... args) |
| Object (const Object &) |
Object & | operator= (const Object &) |
template<class T > |
T * | cast () |
template<class T > |
const T * | cast () const |
void | ref () const noexcept |
void | unref () const noexcept |
void | unref_nodelete () const noexcept |
unsigned int | referenceCount () const noexcept |
template<typename T > |
void | setValue (const std::string &key, const T &value) |
void | setValue (const std::string &key, const char *value) |
| specialization of setValue to handle passing c strings
template<typename T > |
bool | getValue (const std::string &key, T &value) const |
| get specified value type, return false if value associated with key is not assigned or is not the correct type
void | setObject (const std::string &key, ref_ptr< Object > object) |
| assign an Object associated with key
Object * | getObject (const std::string &key) |
| get Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
const Object * | getObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get const Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
T * | getObject (const std::string &key) |
| get object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
const T * | getObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get const object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< Object > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) |
| get ref_ptr<Object> associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< const Object > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get ref_ptr<const Object> pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
ref_ptr< T > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) |
| get ref_ptr<T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
const ref_ptr< const T > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get ref_ptr<const T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
void | removeObject (const std::string &key) |
| remove meta object or value associated with key
Auxiliary * | getOrCreateAuxiliary () |
Auxiliary * | getAuxiliary () |
const Auxiliary * | getAuxiliary () const |
static ref_ptr< RenderGraph > | create (Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< RenderGraph > | create_if (bool flag, Args &&... args) |
template<class N , class V > |
static void | t_traverse (N &node, V &visitor) |
static ref_ptr< Group > | create (Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< Group > | create_if (bool flag, Args &&... args) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t count) |
| provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_NODES_OBJECTS
static void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
static ref_ptr< Node > | create (Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< Node > | create_if (bool flag, Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< Object > | create () |
static ref_ptr< Object > | create_if (bool flag) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t count) |
| provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_AFFINTY_OBJECTS
static void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
virtual void | _attemptDelete () const |
void | setAuxiliary (Auxiliary *auxiliary) |
RenderGraph encapsulates the vkCmdRenderPass/vkCmdEndRenderPass functionality. Members variables of the RenderGraph map to the settings of the VkRenderPassBeginInfo. During the RecordTraversal children of RenderGraph are visited within vkCmdRenderPass/vkCmdEndRenderPass pair.